SIVA: Save & spend with ease
Spiel app icon


A personal finance web app for analyzing transactions and tracking progress towards savings goals.


Designer & Developer


UI/UX Design, Full-Stack Development


Two weeks (Summer 2022)

Collection of screens from SIVA app

A better way to manage your finances

For many people, managing finances is challenging. And with more than 50% of Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, there is an urgent need for solutions that give people clarity over what they spend and save.

Across the board, banking solutions lack robust tools for creating and tracking progress towards savings goals. Users with banks that offer only a single checking and savings account have difficulty organizing expenses by category and contributing money to short- or long-term goals.

For my capstone project at Flatiron School, I set out to design and build an intuitive, robust, and beautiful all-in-one banking solution.

To spend or to save?

Banking solutions can be incredibly complex. To simplify this project, I prioritized two key aspects of banking: (i) saving and (ii) spending.

Though people often treat them as forces of opposition, saving and spending are deeply interwoven. For instance, people must limit spending in order to save.

In thinking about how users manage their finances, I identified savings goals as important. Savings goals make big dreams more tangible and achievable. They help encourage users to limit spending in order to focus on what matters most. For SIVA, I wanted to enhance the savings experience by building features that prioritize goal setting.

SIVA milestones dashboard with savings goals and chart

Reach your savings goals with milestones

Milestones are the core of SIVA and allow users to create and track progress towards savings goals. With customizable goal cards, users are able to track their progress in any way they want—big or small.

• Fully customizable goal cards.
• Progress bars fill as money is saved.
• Chart visualizes milestones in relation to one another.
• Sorted by milestone target date.

SIVA spending dashboard with transactions and chart

Keep track of what you spend & where you spend it

The spending dashboard allows users to create, categorize, and track transactions. It enables users to glean information about what they spend, where they spend it, and what expenses compose the majority of their budget.

• Familiar table format for transactions.
• Chart visualizes spend per category.
• Transactions sorted by recency.
• Easily add or remove a transaction.

SIVA home dashboard with featured milestone and spending insights

Welcome home

The home tab welcomes the user to SIVA at login and aims to provide quick access to the most important information, like a featured milestone and spending insights.

• Displays savings goal with nearest target date.
• Next step: allow users to choose which milestone to pin to the home tab.

• Quick statistics, like most recent transaction and highest-spend category.
• Next step: allow customization of insights or replace with more time-sensitive notifications.

Featured milestone is a ski trip
SIVA settings dashboard with account details and statistics

Customize your settings

The settings tab houses account details, statistics, and general information about SIVA. In future iterations of SIVA, this tab will be enhanced with more in-depth statistics and customization options.

Next steps


User authentication would make it possible for real users to create accounts and save their information. This is a table-stakes feature that is necessary to implement before a public release; thus, it is top priority.


Banking solutions are only as good as the data that power them. Plaid is an API that enables users to access their bank data from other apps. By integrating Plaid into SIVA, users could automatically track their transactions and savings—no manual input required.


SIVA was built to enable users to create and track progress towards savings goals. It employs an intuitive, simple set of features and a minimal, user-centric design to empower users to spend and save with ease.

Designed and developed over two weeks in summer 2022, this version of SIVA represents the first implementation of an overarching vision to provide a unified and elegant banking solution to users everywhere.

Copyright © 2024 Jared Shelby. All rights reserved.

SIVA: Save & spend with ease
Spiel app icon


A personal finance web app for analyzing transactions and tracking progress towards savings goals.


Designer & Developer


UI/UX Design, Full-Stack Development


Two weeks (Summer 2022)

Collection of screens from SIVA app

A better way to manage your finances

For many people, managing finances is challenging. And with more than 50% of Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, there is an urgent need for solutions that give people clarity over what they spend and save.

Across the board, banking solutions lack robust tools for creating and tracking progress towards savings goals. Users with banks that offer only a single checking and savings account have difficulty organizing expenses by category and contributing money to short- or long-term goals.

For my capstone project at Flatiron School, I set out to design and build an intuitive, robust, and beautiful all-in-one banking solution.

To spend or to save?

Banking solutions can be incredibly complex. To simplify this project, I prioritized two key aspects of banking: (i) saving and (ii) spending.

Though people often treat them as forces of opposition, saving and spending are deeply interwoven. For instance, people must limit spending in order to save.

In thinking about how users manage their finances, I identified savings goals as important. Savings goals make big dreams more tangible and achievable. They help encourage users to limit spending in order to focus on what matters most. For SIVA, I wanted to enhance the savings experience by building features that prioritize goal setting.

SIVA milestones dashboard with savings goals and chart

Reach your savings goals with milestones

Milestones are the core of SIVA and allow users to create and track progress towards savings goals. With customizable goal cards, users are able to track their progress in any way they want—big or small.

• Fully customizable goal cards.
• Progress bars fill as money is saved.
• Chart visualizes milestones in relation to one another.
• Sorted by milestone target date.

SIVA spending dashboard with transactions and chart

Keep track of what you spend & where you spend it

The spending dashboard allows users to create, categorize, and track transactions. It enables users to glean information about what they spend, where they spend it, and what expenses compose the majority of their budget.

• Familiar table format for transactions.
• Chart visualizes spend per category.
• Transactions sorted by recency.
• Easily add or remove a transaction.

SIVA home dashboard with featured milestone and spending insights

Welcome home

The home tab welcomes the user to SIVA at login and aims to provide quick access to the most important information, like a featured milestone and spending insights.

• Displays savings goal with nearest target date.
• Next step: allow users to choose which milestone to pin to the home tab.

• Quick statistics, like most recent transaction and highest-spend category.
• Next step: allow customization of insights or replace with more time-sensitive notifications.

Featured milestone is a ski trip
SIVA settings dashboard with account details and statistics

Customize your settings

The settings tab houses account details, statistics, and general information about SIVA. In future iterations of SIVA, this tab will be enhanced with more in-depth statistics and customization options.

Next steps


User authentication would make it possible for real users to create accounts and save their information. This is a table-stakes feature that is necessary to implement before a public release; thus, it is top priority.


Banking solutions are only as good as the data that power them. Plaid is an API that enables users to access their bank data from other apps. By integrating Plaid into SIVA, users could automatically track their transactions and savings—no manual input required.


SIVA was built to enable users to create and track progress towards savings goals. It employs an intuitive, simple set of features and a minimal, user-centric design to empower users to spend and save with ease.

Designed and developed over two weeks in summer 2022, this version of SIVA represents the first implementation of an overarching vision to provide a unified and elegant banking solution to users everywhere.

Copyright © 2024 Jared Shelby. All rights reserved.

SIVA: Save & spend with ease
Spiel app icon


A personal finance web app for analyzing transactions and tracking progress towards savings goals.


Designer & Developer


UI/UX Design, Full-Stack Development


Two weeks (Summer 2022)

Collection of screens from SIVA app

A better way to manage your finances

For many people, managing finances is challenging. And with more than 50% of Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, there is an urgent need for solutions that give people clarity over what they spend and save.

Across the board, banking solutions lack robust tools for creating and tracking progress towards savings goals. Users with banks that offer only a single checking and savings account have difficulty organizing expenses by category and contributing money to short- or long-term goals.

For my capstone project at Flatiron School, I set out to design and build an intuitive, robust, and beautiful all-in-one banking solution.

To spend or to save?

Banking solutions can be incredibly complex. To simplify this project, I prioritized two key aspects of banking: (i) saving and (ii) spending.

Though people often treat them as forces of opposition, saving and spending are deeply interwoven. For instance, people must limit spending in order to save.

In thinking about how users manage their finances, I identified savings goals as important. Savings goals make big dreams more tangible and achievable. They help encourage users to limit spending in order to focus on what matters most. For SIVA, I wanted to enhance the savings experience by building features that prioritize goal setting.

SIVA milestones dashboard with savings goals and chart

Reach your savings goals with milestones

Milestones are the core of SIVA and allow users to create and track progress towards savings goals. With customizable goal cards, users are able to track their progress in any way they want—big or small.

• Fully customizable goal cards.
• Progress bars fill as money is saved.
• Chart visualizes milestones in relation to one another.
• Sorted by milestone target date.

SIVA spending dashboard with transactions and chart

Keep track of what you spend & where you spend it

The spending dashboard allows users to create, categorize, and track transactions. It enables users to glean information about what they spend, where they spend it, and what expenses compose the majority of their budget.

• Familiar table format for transactions.
• Chart visualizes spend per category.
• Transactions sorted by recency.
• Easily add or remove a transaction.

SIVA home dashboard with featured milestone and spending insights

Welcome home

The home tab welcomes the user to SIVA at login and aims to provide quick access to the most important information, like a featured milestone and spending insights.

• Displays savings goal with nearest target date.
• Next step: allow users to choose which milestone to pin to the home tab.

• Quick statistics, like most recent transaction and highest-spend category.
• Next step: allow customization of insights or replace with more time-sensitive notifications.

Featured milestone is a ski trip
SIVA settings dashboard with account details and statistics

Customize your settings

The settings tab houses account details, statistics, and general information about SIVA. In future iterations of SIVA, this tab will be enhanced with more in-depth statistics and customization options.

Next steps


User authentication would make it possible for real users to create accounts and save their information. This is a table-stakes feature that is necessary to implement before a public release; thus, it is top priority.


Banking solutions are only as good as the data that power them. Plaid is an API that enables users to access their bank data from other apps. By integrating Plaid into SIVA, users could automatically track their transactions and savings—no manual input required.


SIVA was built to enable users to create and track progress towards savings goals. It employs an intuitive, simple set of features and a minimal, user-centric design to empower users to spend and save with ease.

Designed and developed over two weeks in summer 2022, this version of SIVA represents the first implementation of an overarching vision to provide a unified and elegant banking solution to users everywhere.

Copyright © 2024 Jared Shelby. All rights reserved.